
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day.

I let the girls feed themselves ravioles and good thing it was already bath night because boy did they need it. Alyssa insisted on using her forehead, nose, and face to clean her tray. Abigail used her hands to smear it everywhere including her face. At least none made it on the floor!!!
They almost ate as much as they do with mac and cheese.

Abigail was not to thrilled with her picture taken
in the bath tub. She absolutely loves the water and loves to swim. She waits until Alyssa is out and then she goes from one end to the other. Abigail has learned to turn on the cold water and this is her getting caught by mommy.

Alyssa was having fun for once playing with her toys in the bath tub. She likes taking them and filling them up with water and drinking them. She is very nice as her sister crawls all over the top of her going from one side to the other. She loves to throw her toys over the side making quite a mess.

Alyssa has also learned to store food between her high chair and the dinning room chair. She put the remaining of her dinner there I guess saving it for later.

Alyssa and Abigail holding hands on their own after breakfast. They giggled each time one would grab the other's fingers. Poptarts make kids happy, as long as there is sugar on top!!!!!!

I am very blessed to have such wonderful kids.


Just Us said...

They're getting so big!! They are super cute!! I guess drinking bathwater is okay as long as neither of them peed in the water-haha!

Maxfield Family said...

Your girls sure are cute. I love the picture of them in their high chairs holding hands. I can't believe how big they've gotten. I hope everything is going well with your pregnancy.