
Monday, February 2, 2009

Shoe fetish this early? AHAHAHAH

Alyssa would be content to have no toys and only shoes. She is getting really good about matching up shoes for everyone in the family. We have a little chest by our front door where we put our shoes (since they never make it to the closet) and she knows how to open and close the chest, put and take out all the shoes, and who gets what shoe. She will bring me Nate's shoe and say dada. The was even following me around on Sunday with my high heels. If she could pick up my feet and put them on me I think she would try. I tried getting a cute picture of her in a shoe dilemma, where she was trying to figure out how to put on Abigail's shoes (which are too small for Alyssa), but the kid knows every time I try to get the camera she drops everything and wants to touch the lens. I'll have to be more sneaky.

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